Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cancel Facebook friend requests

It has happened to everyone. Not to me, actually, yet. But you may end up inviting someone you do not know as a friend, either by believing otherwise, or because of a faulty mouse. Unfortunately, FB doesn't have a user-friendly way of cancelling the friend request. Actually, it has no way of doing it. But I have an easy workaround. Follow these steps.

1. After the request is sent, hurry to your privacy settings. Click Account, in the top-right corner, and click the obvious.

2. Go to your Block Lists, from the bottom of the page.

3. Type in the name of the person you invited. In the pop-up list, select the person you invited by mistake (that's pretty obvious).

4. Block the person (no, don't worry).

5. Just after blocking them, you can unblock them, from your Block List. You can do it pretty easily.

6. Now go to their profile. The 'Add Friend' button is back there. The person didn't even know what you did, by mistake.

You're done. Good luck. I hope Facebook adds a feature that allows you to cancel the request.

Want some more tips and tricks? See how you can check what information about you is visible to certain people. Here's a complete guide to cleaning up your Facebook account and Profile. And here's how to block yourself from Facebook search, or from public search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing.
